Tennessee Project: Working on the NXT Frontier

Since the launch of the NXT platform the main focus has been on the tech: NXT Currency, Asset Exchange, Monetary System, Marketplace, Arbitrary Messaging, Alias System, … So many features and possibilities.

Whilst the tech undoubtedly gives NXT a big potential advantage over competing platforms, it seems every time a new technological innovation is added to the NXT platform it actually results in a price drop. Why? Presumably because the platform, in all its ever-increasing functionality, is not intuitively easy to use, nor easy to explain. Let’s face it, it’s not for the average joe… At least not yet.

This is where the Tennessee Project wants to step in and make a change. With all the focus on technological advancements, the marketing has been neglected resulting in a declining adoption rate and a gradual price drop.

The project’s goal is to push NXT marketing and promotion to a professional level over the next 12 months while at the same time making it easier to use for the average joe.

Not a small task to take on, but a great team has been assembled including, at its heart, Bas Wisselink (Damelon) and Dave Pearce (EvilDave), who will each receive a part-time salary on a self-employed basis, allowing them to work freely on Tennessee, in addition to their other tasks within the Nxt community. They will work closely together with NXT core developers Jean-Luc and Lyaffe. Several components of Tennessee will also require paid outside contractors. The Tennessee Project will be run under the banner of the Nxt Foundation.

A professional project of this size needs serious funding. The project is looking to raise 10 million NXT in order to function for 12 months. The Monetary System will be used to raise the funds. EvilDave has issued the TNSSE currency with account NXT-P439-YVBD-VUEQ-A3S2T

We have already started an informal fundraising project among NXT businesses and stakeholders to raise the minimum of 10 million NXT, and we are happy to say we have already received firm pledges for up to 5.5 million from Nxt investors and stake-holders.

The funding will end on Monday October 26. If the target 10 million NXT is reached, all funds will be transferred to the Tennessee account. If it is not reached, all funds will be returned to the original accounts. This could mean a big boost for NXT from which the whole community would benefit, so every donation matters, no matter how small. 4.5 million NXT is still needed to meet the 10 million NXT target. This covers the salaries of both Damelon and EvilDave for a year and the budget to actually do the tasks.

As explained on the Nxt forum, the Tennessee Project has three overall aims:

  1. A major increase in and professionalisation of NXT marketing.
  2. To improve the Nxt user experience, in terms of ease of use, support and documentation.
  3. The acquisition of leads to incorporate NXT into real world applications/businesses and to attract investors to the platform.

In order to achieve the above aims, the Tennessee project will have the following short term goals, to be realised by Q1 2016:

● Completely overhaul www.nxt.org, and streamline the web presence/SEO for all community owned sites.

● Create a continuous and coherent marketing/PR campaign, putting the focus on what NXT has achieved so far, and on highlighting real world use cases for NXT.

● As part of the above 2 points: create a complete portfolio of use cases, media packs and other publicity material, to be used in all NXT marketing.

● Set up a co-ordinated team for social networking/forums.

● Create a coherent strategy to interest potential Nxt-based projects and investors who may be interested in utilising or investing in NXT/SuperNet.

● Expand and improve on relationships with our media contacts, including establishing exploratory relationships with professional PR agencies.

● Create leads, and follow them up. This is a task we have been doing for months now, but it desperately needs to be professionalised and that takes time.

Long term goals, to be realised by Q2/3 2016:

● Assist/finance the development and deployment of simplified NRS software: i.e. Lite clients and webwallets.

● Create a comprehensive user guide for the entire NXT system, from account creation all the way to customised MS issues.

● Set up an incubator system for both potential and currently running Nxt-based projects. This will have the aim of helping out projects with both direct technical/marketing assistance, and to bring these projects into contact with investors. The incubator will take a small percentage portion of any projects that it helps, and redistribute this income to the NXT community.

● Integrate a professional PR agency into NXT promotion, and finance a campaign from them.

Further goals will be added to Tennessee as the project progresses, but this outline is a solid basis on which to build further marketing and PR.

More information on the project can be found on the Nxt forum.

You can make a donation using the official NRS Client, local, lite, or webversion:

  • Click on Monetary System + Currencies section.
  • Find TNSSE / Tennessee (search “TNSSE”).
  • Click on “Reserve” in the “Actions” column.


  • Enter the amount of NXT you want to donate.

  • The NXT amount will be deducted from your account and held until the activation block, which is block 554,000, approximately Monday 26 October 2015, 22:00.

In my opinion, this is the missing component in the NXT platform: a strong dedicated team focused on marketing, promotion and pushing adoption.

As to where the project name came from? Who knows… maybe they came up with the name over a glass of aged Jack Daniels!


With Nxt Monetary System anyone can run a decentralized crowdfunding campaign.

Learn more about the Monetary System here: 


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